Magaly Loeza, LCPC

“Supporting Growth and Healing with Compassion and Equity.”

EDGE Counselor Magaly Loeza smiles in her headshot. She wears a blue patterned blouse and has dangly earrings. Her hair is medium length and brown.

Experience working with:
Children, Adolescents, Teens, Young Adults, Adults
Languages: English, Español
Locations: Buffalo Grove & Virtual
Telehealth: Yes

  • ADHD

  • Family Dynamics

  • Parenting Support

  • Substance Use

  • Symptoms of Anxiety

  • Symptoms of Depression

  • Trauma & PTSD

Specializes in:

About Magaly:

Magaly Loeza empowers youth and families to break through mental health stigmas and persist through all of life’s challenges. With her clients in mind, she creates a safe, non-judgmental space and focuses on fostering happy, healthy relationships. As a Latina counselor, Magaly is aware of the impact of challenges and systems of oppression on the well-being of those in the Latinx community.

Magaly received her MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Lewis University with concentrations on children/adolescents and substance use. In addition, she completed a NPP (Nurturing Parenting Program) Certificate, which provides additional training working with parents to promote healthy relationships with their children, manage family stress, alternatives to spanking, and more. 

When enjoying her free time, Magaly loves to travel and spend time with loved ones.

Magaly Loeza empodera a los jóvenes y las familias para superar los estigmas de salud mental y persistir en todos los desafíos de la vida. Pensando en sus clientes, crea un espacio seguro y sin prejuicios y se centra en fomentar relaciones felices y saludables. Como consejera latina, Magaly es consciente del impacto de los desafíos y sistemas de opresión en el bienestar de los miembros de la comunidad.

Magaly recibió su maestría en Consejería Clínica de Salud Mental de la Universidad Lewis con especialización en niños/adolescentes y uso de sustancias. Además, completó un Certificado NPP (Programa de crianza cariñosa), que brinda capacitación adicional para trabajar con los padres para promover relaciones saludables con sus hijos, manejar el estrés familiar, alternativas a el castigo fisico y más.

Cuando disfruta de su tiempo libre, a Magaly le encanta viajar y pasar tiempo con sus seres queridos.

Interested in scheduling with Magaly?