Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect during my first appointment?
Counseling works best when a positive relationship exists between you and your therapist. This meeting is the first step in building that relationship. During your first appointment, your therapist will ask why you are seeking counseling and inquire about your history and goals. The more upfront you are about what you want, the better we can tailor your sessions to help you get there.
We also hope you take this time to ask any questions you may have! It is completely normal to be curious about counseling and your mental health. Over the course of your first session, your and your counselor will determine the best plan for your journey and identify first steps in working towards your goals.
Is there anything I should bring with me?
Yes! At your first visit, you’ll need to have an ID. If you are planning to use your insurance, you’ll also need your insurance card. In addition, there is paperwork that all clients must complete. You can fill out this paperwork in advance with the links below or you can arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment and complete them in the office.
EDGE Notice of Privacy Practices
How long are the appointments?
Appointments with a therapist are usually 45 to 60 minutes in length. The duration and frequency of sessions is a decision that you will discuss directly with your counselor.
Should I see a psychiatrist or a counselor? What is the difference?
A psychiatrist is a Medical Doctor (M.D.) who has attended medical school with an emphasis on the medical and physical aspects of behavioral health. In a meeting with a psychiatrist, you will typically begin with an evaluation with the main purpose of determining if your situation would be appropriate for treatment with medications. If so determined, the psychiatrist will prescribe medication and continues to work with you for medication management.
The term counselor or therapist can be used to refer to a number of different specialties, including Licensed Clinical Psychologists, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors, and Licensed Clinical Social Workers. A Licensed Clinical Psychologist is a clinician who holds a Doctoral Degree (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) and is specifically trained in the psychological aspects of behavioral health. Psychologists provide psychotherapy utilizing their in-depth knowledge of psychological theory, therapy, research, and diagnostic assessment. Some psychologists also specialize in psychological testing and are the only group of clinicians trained to do so. Licensed Clinical Professional Counselors and Licensed Clinical Social Workers hold Masters Degrees (M.A., M.S., or M.S.W.) and are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat individuals, families, and groups presenting with behavioral health concerns.
Often the best course of intervention involves multiple approaches that all work together to enhance someone’s emotional health and well-being. The counselors at EDGE Counseling Solutions work closely with a number of psychiatrists in the area to ensure that clients are receiving the best possible care.
What if I have questions about my insurance or bill?
We recognize that there are a number of things that can be confusing and unclear about healthcare claims and insurance coverage. We want to make sure we do everything we can to make handling insurance as clear and seamless as possible. If you have any questions regarding your insurance or bill, contact Christina Robinson, our Director of Client Billing at crobinson@edgecounselingsolutions.com or call (847) 858-4342.
What forms of payment are accepted?
We accept all forms of payment, including cash, personal checks, and Visa, Mastercard or American Express credit cards. For your healthcare expenses, you may also have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) card that you use. We will accept most of these cards as well.
Where is the office located?
Our Libertyville office is conveniently located on Winchester Road, west of Butterfield Road and east of Route 45 in the Winchester Court office complex. Our Buffalo Grove office is located on Lake Cook Road, just east of Arlington Heights Road.
You can see directions to these two locations over on Locations.